The corded battery chargers that are shipped with Fuji cameras are mildly maddening because, seriously, we all have enough camera stuff with cords at this point. I mean, look at this thing.

Ditch it, and pick up either a plug adapter or a complete third-party charger that plugs directly into a socket. They are tidier and faster and take up less space. I have the version made by Watson.

Some reviewers have noticed that Fuji batteries don’t play nicely with non-Fuji chargers, but I haven’t experienced any issues so far with mixing brands.
While you are grabbing a new charger, pick up some extra batteries too. You’ll need them. No camera system is perfect of course, and if Fuji does have an Achilles heel that hobbles every Fuji shooter at some point, it’s definitely the battery life.
For a day’s shoot, I have to carry many more batteries than I do with my Canon gear. The third-party batteries are often significantly cheaper than the OEM versions, but in my experience they definitely have less juice than Fuji’s.
For street shooting on an X-Pro2, I get around 400 shots with an original Fuji. A Watson or a Wasabi manages around 250ish at best. This is with moderate chimping and LCD off. I never turn the camera off manually, auto-off is set to 2 minutes, and the camera performance is set to standard.